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Virtual Pipeline Services
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Clean Affordable Compressed Natural Gas
24/7 Commercial CNG Card Lock
   594676 Oxford Road 59 South 
    Exit 232 South from Hwy 401
     Woodstock Ontario Canada
       1-519-830-8609 for service
CNG Decanting and Decompression
    Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)


Is the fastest growing transportation fuel in North America. Thanks to its abundant supply it has become a reliable alternative to gasoline and diesel that reduces fleet fuel costs by 25-50%. It is the same fuel that has been used for decades to heat homes and businesses.

Renewable Natural         Gas (RNG)


Is an effective renewable gas fuel derived from livestock waste that can also be utilized as a heating and vehicle fuel. It can be injected, blended and transported along with regular pipeline natural gas. The added benefit of a CNG/RNG blend is the further reduction in green house gas emission.

CNG / RNG together
      for Vehicles


Canadians can now rely on 

CNG/RNG as an affordable, clean, safe and most of all reliable transportation fuel. Utilizing a blend of these fuels results in a significant increase in life cycle carbon reduction and extended vehicle performance. 

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